I have cloth diapered for collectively over 2 years now and wanted to compile my thoughts around my favorite cloth diapering system. I am passionate about cloth diapering, I feel it is WAY easier than its made out to be and it’s better for sensitive baby skin and the planet. I also love cloth diapering because it can be a great way to save money and reduce plastic waste. (Yes, there are plastics in disposable diapers!)
I have tried every system of cloth diapering. Yes, every system. This means I have tried flats, prefolds, all in ones, pockets, fitted diapers, and hybrids. Have I missed any? And my favorite of all is the simplest of all: The flat diaper. You can’t beat it in my book. Here’s why it’s my favorite: it’s easy to dry and it will take up the least amount of space in your house. I can really end my discussion here, just go with flat diapers. Yes, you have to fold them, you’ll be okay! This was the part that stopped me from starting with them. I was afraid of folding them and pinning them to the baby. Now, that is my favorite part. Sitting on the floor with my little boo while he plays and I fold diaper laundry is very therapeutic and fun. And, they make these gadgets called snappies- no pins needed.
How I use flat diapers
I have about 30 flat diapers and I wash about every other day. This is more than enough for this to be comfortable, it may stretch it a little when baby is young but I have always gotten by with this amount. For covers I have fallen in love with utilzing wool. I had not heard of wool covers when I was diapering with my first, I wish I had! The magic of natural fibers strikes again.
Wool covers are thick and chunky. They can be small covers or long pants. I have the small covers, as I was able to get a hefty stash for a great deal on facebook marketplace. Just consider your climate as to which you choose. Wool covers are thick and bulky, that is part of the deal. So you have to think about that when you are considering this. Tossing wool pants right on over the diaper is probably easiest if you live in a cold climate. If you’re in a warmer climate you can just put the short wool cover on and it is like little shorts. Getting clothes over wool covers is a bit of a challenge. I have both sloomb and disana brand. In my expereince, Disana works best with skinnier/long babies.
I also use PUL fabric diaper covers. These are a trimmer option when I want to put clothing over the cloth diaper. My favorite brand for this style is Grovia. The velcro fastened offer a really nice trim fit.
For night time I am still experimenting with my favorite. I have utilized a basic flat diaper with an extra pad made from another flat diaper (this works but it is quite the bulky situation). I have also utilized a bamboo fitted diaper from sloomb. I top both of these combinations with a wool cover. In addition, I use a small piece of merino wool next to baby’s bottom. The pee goes right through it soaking into the bamboo or cotton providing a semi-dry layer next to baby’s skin.
To fasten I prefer to use the snappi clips as this makes it super easy and no one accidently gets stuck by a pin.
How I clean my cloth diapers
If baby is only consuming breastmilk diapers can go straight into the washer. If baby is consuming formula or food has been introduced, solids must be knocked off before going into the washer.
I wash any soiled PUL covers in the washing machine along with my flats about every other day. I do two washes. The first is a quick wash of just cold water. This gets the soil off. The second is a deep water wash on hot that gets deeper into the fabric layers. I use mild detergent (purchased from Azure in the 40lb bag) with both cycles.
Wool covers are little different. These have to be hand washed. That may sound like a lot, however, I only have to wash them about every other week. Wool is again, a magical fabric. It can aborb and wick water. Pee can air dry out of it and it will have absolutley no stench.
I find it best to wash and relanolize when the wool starts to not dry out as quickly.
How I store my diapers (clean and dirty)
Believe it or not, you can prefold all of your flat diapers when you clean them so they are ready to go! They are so adorable folded up like this. And you will feel proud of your work everytime you reach for one! I fold mine in a modified triangle fold so that they can easily stack and be ready to go.
Dirty dipaers are placed in a pale with a waterproof and washable liner. It is best NOT to close your diaper pail up like you do disposable diapers. There will not be a smell! The soiled diapers need to get air around them and this is the best way to do that.
Fabric Wipes are only natural
If you do cloth diapers it’s only natural to do cloth wipes too. My favorite is the birdseye weave organic cotton from Green Mountain Diapers. Once you use cloth wipes, you’ll wonder why you ever used disposable. Disposable wipes push soil around, cloth wipes absorb it and clean it up. I keep a small bowl of water near my diaper station and use it throughout the day to wet my wipes.